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Fill out and submit the simple form below – and you can begin enjoying the many benefits of I Teach America immediately.

Please complete form below. Fields in red must be completed in order to process.

First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Home Address 1
Home Address 2
Daytime Phone
Please Re-Enter Email:
Teacher? Yes  No
If yes, number of years of teaching:
Currently Teaching? Yes  No
If no, why currently not teaching?   Retired
  Changed Career
  Can't Find a Teaching Job
Grades Currently Teaching? Select all that apply   Pre-School
  Elementary (1-5)
  Middle (6-8)
  High School (9-12)
School System Where Teaching? Select all that apply   Public
Biggest Concern as a Teacher?
Yes, please subscribe me to ITA's email newsletter, Teacher's Toolbox,  which I will receive typically via email weekly.
Yes, please send me other periodic ITA member communications.
Please don't send me any of the above.

Since your membership is an online membership, we communicate with you via email. The primary communications are through our member newsletters. Occasionally, we will send you a separate email communication, but please be assured that we are sensitive to your time and will not bombard you with email communications. Note that I Teach America will not sell your email address and personal contact information to third parties.

If you do not wish to receive our email communications, you can easily opt out by simply clicking "Member Communications Opt-Out Request" on the following page after you press "Submit."

If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at or 614-497-4088. Thank you.

I Teach America
PO Box 882196
Port St. Lucie, FL 34988
Tel: 614-497-4088
Our Privacy Policy

Office hours: M - F 8:30am - 5:00pm
©2024, I Teach America, Inc.