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Discover 7 Essential Core Teaching Strategies You Need to Become a Terrific Teacher

By Honey Krumholz

At times, teachers may feel inundated with theories, methodologies, teaching strategies, etc.etc.etc.

Please keep in mind that this is your class, your students and only YOU know your own limits.

As I have told my student teachers, and new or inexperienced teachers that I have mentored; observe, if you can, different teachers and take note of their teaching strategies and read about advice that experienced teachers have written. Then, decide which strategies are best and which fit your teaching style with your students.

Here are my top "7 Essential Core Teaching Strategies" that have held true for me throughout my 30 plus years of teaching from K-6.

  1. Classroom Management is the teaching strategy that I consider to be most important in creating an effective teaching environment to ensure that your lessons will run smoothly and each teaching day will be a success.

    Classroom Management covers a wide range of topics from classroom discipline and behavior management to communication strategies both verbal and non-verbal to classroom rules including classroom time management. Implement some of the strategies behind these topics and you'll be on your way to a successful teaching career.
  2. Know your students well. You should have different expectations for each one of your students. It is imperative to create a genuine bond with them (by the way that works both ways).
  3. Motivate and encourage your students to set some goals for themselves, then help them to reach their goals and move on to a new set of goals.
  4. A productive teacher student relationship is so vital to having a successful school year. You must respect, care about and show concern for the development of their students.Teachers that create a positive learning environment and show that they care are most likely to have their students reciprocate and show respect for them and their fellow classmates.
  5. Parent Teacher Communication is Crucial. Keep in mind to consistently be approachable, informed, diplomatic and always professional (even if parents are more like friends to you). Remember parents must be accountable to their child, themselves, and believe it or not ... to you too.
  6. Accountability is Essential. It is important for you to remember that for each day of the school year you are accountable to your students, as well as their parents. Be accountable to yourself as well and be the best you can be.
  7. Last, but never least, "Have and Keep the Passion"(for teaching) alive!... Enjoy what you do, where you are and who (students) you're with. Be sure to have FUN while you're at it.

Digest these teaching strategies, play around with them, and implement those that fit your style of teaching. I truly hope that following these strategies will help you out and will make your life a little easier.

Best of Luck

Honey Krumholz is a highly experienced school teacher. She is currently a college supervisor and mentor to student teachers. She provides seminars on her teaching strategies at York University in Toronto. Visit her website and get her teaching strategies on topics such as classroom management plans or more details on her 7 core teaching strategies

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