How we can assure rigor in our lessons
One of the challenges when incorporating rigor in the classroom is determining what that rigor looks like. For example, many teachers share with me that they know their students should “create” something, which is high level on Bloom’s Taxonomy. READ MORE
How SEL training can help alleviate teacher burnout, stress
District Administration Magazine
The Atlanta Public School system recognizes the importance of social-emotional development, not just for students but for teachers and staff. However, its whole approach to developing programs for educators that build self-management and relationship skills is rare. Very few districts employ strategies to assist those who lead classrooms. READ MORE
Question-based learning is a type of inquiry where the learner is guided by forming and refining a guiding question (or questions).
In this model of inquiry, students are focused on questions rather than answers–which means it’s the quality, refinement, and effect of the questions themselves that are emphasized. This also means that questions can be scored, graded, published, and celebrated in the same way education has traditionally valued answers. READ MORE
What’s the best teaching advice in five words or less?
We Are Teachers
When it comes to teaching advice, there’s no better source than the educators on the front line- classroom teachers. So we recently asked our WeAreTeachers Facebook community, “What is the best teaching advice you can give in five words?” Here are 25 of our favorite responses. READ MORE